Snow, Snow Everywhere
March 6, 2015
Some MODG students are finding the fun in this winter’s record breaking snows. Experienced skier and MODG 12th grader, Peter Ruedig, sent VOX this video of him skiing off his garage roof in Illinois after a heavy snow. Enjoy Peter’s video, but do not try this at home! Peter is experienced with ski jumping. Thanks, Peter for showing us how you deal with extreme weather.
Send pictures to us of you bundled up, or in the snow, by going to -Letter to the Editor- in the VOX navigation bar. Upload your photo and enter your state and name in the text box. Don’t forget to click “submit.” We want to know how cold it is out there.
Let us know if the frigid temperatures infringed on your freedom of assembly!*
*Congratulations! You found –Freedom of assembly- which are First Amendment words in the Word Hunt!