MODG Graduation 2019: News Brief
Graduates joyfully toss their hats outside the Thomas Aquinas College Chapel. This year’s graduation will be the third graduation for Mother of Divine Grace.
May 8, 2019
The 2019 MODG graduation will be held at Thomas Aquinas College in California on Saturday, May 25th.

There will be a baccalaureate Mass and commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 25th.
After graduation, there will be a reception at Soule Park in Ojai, California.
On Friday, May 24th, graduates and their families are welcome to visit the MODG Office in Ojai, California.
Friday evening, May 24th, there will be a practice for the graduation at Thomas Aquinas College. Refreshments will be served after.
There will be photographers available to take individual senior portraits before the baccalaureate Mass.