Video Challenge: Living in a Pandemic
In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, MODG News is inviting all you budding filmographers to take part in our newest video challenge! Send us a short (no more than three minutes) video about how you and your family are coping with COVID-19 and the reaction to it. Feel free to make your film serious, funny or uplifting. Send it in through Submit Your Idea no later than Saturday, April 11th. Here are some general guidelines for submitting your video: Here are some general guidelines:
Things to Keep in Mind
Ask first! Be sure to get permission to film for publication before filming on private property or incorporating other people into your documentary.
Play this music, not that! Music is optional, but if you use it, be sure not to use copyrighted music without permission. If you would like to, you can compose and record your own music.
Getting fancy. You can use video editing software to edit your video. Windows Movie Maker is a free, user-friendly program that can handle most basic editing needs. iMovie is a Mac app that is free and easy to use. There are many other programs available for more advanced editing, such as PowerDirector.
Submitting Your Documentary
Give those credits! Put the following credits at the end of your video: Documentary Title, the Filmmaker (you). Then add: Thanks to: MODG, subject/s (if it’s not you), whoever you need to thank for their cooperation,, and credit needed for music used, (if any). End with: (copyright 2020)
Submitting my entry! Once you’ve completed editing and your documentary has been saved as a movie, upload your documentary to Google drive. Select “Share,” click “Get Shareable Link,” and copy and paste the link, then submit it through Submit Your Idea. Be sure to include your name and grade in the message box when sending your documentary submission.
One quick note. Submitted documentaries will be posted at the discretion of the MODG News staff.
Just ask! If you have any questions or need some advice, just ask us below in the comments box! We’re always happy to chat with you.