What does a Pandemic look like in your life?
March 26, 2020

MODG senior Bethany, along with her mom and dad sporting their masks their neighbor made.
Please send us your pictures of what a pandemic Shelter in Place order looks like at home, the grocery story, your backyard or while walking your dog or goat or pig. Yes, pictures are out there of people walking any animal they can find just to get outside!
Upload your images (less than 1 mg) to Submit Your Idea.
Please include a picture credit (original images by you or your family only, nothing off the internet) and a caption.
We can’t wait to see what you are seeing in this unprecedented time!
Editor Note: We are updating this story as pictures come in from our staff and our readers. Last updated on May 6
The MODG News Team

Thanks to the recent stay-at-home order, my cello has lived a much happier life. Instead of gathering dust in its case, it has spent many otherwise empty moments squeaking joyously in my hands.

Going on a bike ride reveals many hopeful messages.

Enjoying the “little things” in life, a silver lining to a dark and dreary cloud.

Quarantine for me means more time to cook and bake. It’s safe to say my family has never been so grateful for my stress-baking as they are now.

So many people are using chalk drawings to encourage people during this difficult time.

The bright side of having to shelter in place is that our family has extra time to read together.

Because we can’t go to Mass, my Mom decided to paint all of Holy Week-Pentecost in our sun room windows.

Found this while chilling out. The virtual world is no longer safe

Praying the daily readings when we are unable to attend mass.

With all of our activities being canceled, my family has a lot more time to start our garden!

One of my friends gave me a LEGO challenge.
Being in quarantine gives you more time to achieve this challenge.

COVID-19 sure makes people hunger for supplies.
Entire shelves are emptied before the day is even half through.

“Now that my owner is under a stay-at-home order, I’ve gone from living in a sock drawer to playing Grantaire in Les Misérables.”

What true and beautiful things you can draw with simple sidewalk chalk!
(I didn’t draw this by the way).

Due to the lock downs, I am able to do things I would normally not have the time or patience to do, such as playing cards.

The local grocery store. Notice the long line to get in.

No people can be seen in this city landscape. The only sign of life being the few cars in the distance. Limerick, Ireland

Tragic: this intersection is usually hectic at this time of day. Limerick, Ireland

A park that is usually bustling with people now appears empty. Limerick, Ireland

Businesses close their doors as they suffer from a famine of costumers. Limerick, Ireland

OK, I know not all of us are big into the video game world, but this is ridiculous. Covid-19 has invaded Minecraft!

People are still out in droves for Chick-Fil-A. I counted 17 cars in the line.

Public masses are now unavailable, but families are still able to watch livestreams of it on YouTube.

Not even quarantine can impede the discipline of the ballerina. This ballerina is attending class from home on Zoom.

Self-quarantine can be difficult for all people, but I’ve found that there are quite a few benefits from it as well. By being at home all day, I’ve been able to focus more on school, as well as bring some of my favorite indoor activities to life. The project that I’ve really been enjoying working on is my World War II scrapbook. (If I’m honest, the thing I’ve been working on most is getting through a history book, but this is my primary fun work). Scrapbooking is a lot of fun, and it doesn’t always have to be through photos. I use newspaper clippings and cutouts from articles, too! You can personalize it by choosing a topic that you love, and then simply collect/write about things pertaining to that topic. Perhaps you’ll start one now!

Ever since schools closed, parents and kids have been doing all kinds of things together. I’ve seen many chalk drawings on driveways like this one.

On a normal workday, these parking spaces outside our rental complex are mostly empty. Now they are nearly always all full.

The local grocery store parking lot is more empty than full.
Shopping has become an entirely different experience during quarantine, with many stores running out of products and unable to keep shelves stocked.
Customers practice social distancing, remaining 6 feet apart, even in small aisles.
This sometimes means that customers must wait for another shopper to exit the aisle before they enter.

These signs are in all of the grocery stores. Here’s one at the local Publix.

“After being cooped up for weeks now, cabin fever and mountain madness are really starting to take their effect.” -John Clarity (March 26)

This parking lot, which was full just a few weeks ago, is almost completely empty.

Now that Williamson county (Texas) has announced Shelter in Place, all our playgrounds are closed.

Morning traffic on NY State Route 38. The highway has been so quiet since our country began social distancing. Usually, it is quite busy with school buses, semi-trucks, and people driving to work at this time.

A cool place to read the Inferno. College student John Milliken and his two other college-age brothers are home and attending class online. John set up his study place in the basement.
Upload your images (less than 1 mg) to Submit Your Idea.
Please include a picture credit (original images by you or your family only, nothing off the internet) and a caption.
We can’t wait to see what you are seeing in this unprecedented time!
The MODG News Team