Dairy Donation
Amidst the hardships of the CoronaVirus pandemic, a door of opportunity was opened for those with resources to help those in need.
The COVID Food Assistance Program is part of the U.S. government benefit programs: “our mission is to increase citizen access to benefit information, while reducing the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government”. (https://www.benefits.gov/about-us)
As part of the COVID Food Assistance Program, John Chrisman, from the American Dairy association, partnered with Schneider’s Dairy in order to provide approximately 1,000 gallons of milk for families in need.
These gallons of milk were distributed for free in the parking lot of Good Samaritan Catholic Church in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. My mom and I had the opportunity to attend this distribution and assist in handing out gallons of milk to people who could not afford it during these pandemic times.
Those coming to the milk distribution would line up in their cars and then would have the milk cartons put into their cars by those serving. After receiving their milk, they were always sent off with a kind word. Those receiving the milk were full of gratitude and would often leave us with a “God bless you”.
Although there seems to be so much wrong and hurt in our world, take a closer look at your communities and you will see that there is still hope. You can also share this hope by finding ways to bring joy or material needs to families in your area.
Proverbs chapter 19, verse 17 tells us, “Whoever cares for the poor lends to the LORD, who will pay back the sum in full”.