Saint Spotlight: St. Genevieve
St. Genevieve
St. Genevieve lived in the town of Nanterre, near Paris, around 420. Most of what is known about St. Genevieve is taken from an old collection of documents called simply, The Life of St. Genevieve.
According to legend, when St. Genevieve was a young girl, St. Germain of Auxerre distinguished her as one destined for sainthood. At the age of fifteen, she was consecrated as a virgin and dedicated her life to prayer, mortification, and charitable works.
Many years later, around 450, the city of Paris was in a state of panic as Attila the Hun marched upon them. Genevieve, however, convinced the Parisians to fast and pray to deter the threat. To their surprise, it worked! Later, when the Franks were besieging Paris, legend has it that Genevieve managed to break through and provide food for the starving people.
Even after her death, Genevieve continued to work great miracles. In 1129, she was invoked by Paris to end an epidemic that devastated the city. Her reliquary was processed through the city and the fever ended. Because of the special protection St. Genevieve showed to the city of Paris, she is considered its patroness.
St. Genevieve, pray for us!
Fun fact- St. Genevieve’s feast day is Jan. 3.
Ed. Hoever, S.O.Cist, Ph.D., Rev. Hugo Lives of the Saints for Every Day of the Year (New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1955)
Kalberer, O.S.B., Augustine Live of the Saints (Chicago: Franciscon Herald Press, 1983)
Bunson, Matthew Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Catholic History (Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1995)

Johannes R. Carrillo is a junior of MODG. He has been called a weirdo, a leader, a brother, a student, and a lover of all things good and beautiful.