Helpful Tips for MODG Courses!
Organized by subject, the following tips were shared by MODG students who are completing or have completed these subjects; there are also academic tips, even if you aren’t taking MODG courses. I recommend reading all of them, because some of them may help you with other subjects, too. I hope they help you to succeed!
MODG News Staff
General Tips
We have several tips to help your school day go well! “Don’t multitask unnecessarily. Get one subject done, and then move on to the next one. Avoid checking emails or text messages while you are doing school.” -Anastasia, 10th grade “Just actually scheduling study time as an event on your calendar. Sometimes it helps to make sure you get it done.” -Alison, 12th grade “Take...
Are you doing Biology (Wile-2nd Edition)? I have a few tips: I video called one of my friends every week, and we read or studied biology. It helped keep us on track, to internalize the reading, and have phrases that helped us remember the terms. I know Biology is often a subject students do on their own, but I recommend doing it LS. My teacher wrote notes on the board, but had us write them d...
Are you taking Algebra I (Saxon-3rd Edition)? Olivia P, a sophomore, said: “Try not to get behind in your daily lessons. Also make sure to do all the problem sets. It can be easy to not do them all, but if you are not practicing how to do the examples you can begin to forget the information which your future lessons will build on.” Are you doing Algebra II (Saxon-3rd Edition)? Anthony, a jun...
History & Literature
If you are taking US History & American Literature, we have a couple tips for you: Patrick, a sophomore, has a tip which is “...important to the debates and papers. Do your research…The key to winning a debate is having a good argument. The key to having a good argument is by having reliable sources. It is also very helpful to research for the papers for US History since they are creati...
Taking Faith & Morality? Olivia H, a junior, said to: “...try not to get behind in papers. In the beginning there's [sic] lots of short papers to do, so it gets hard to catch up when you get behind. It's also good to read through the material right before class, even if you've already read it, so that it's fresh in your mind.” Olivia P, a sophomore, said that it is also important: “......
English & Foreign Language
Are you taking Grammar and Composition (Holt Traditions)? If it’s easy for you to push grammar as the last subject you do every day, you will probably get behind. As Lucia said below, I recommend working on it 30 minutes to an hour each day, doing the rest of your school, and then doing the rest of the grammar at the end of the day. If you are behind, ask your consultant, teacher, or parents if...
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