History & Literature

If you are taking US History & American Literature, we have a couple tips for you:
Patrick, a sophomore, has a tip which is “…important to the debates and papers. Do your research…The key to winning a debate is having a good argument. The key to having a good argument is by having reliable sources. It is also very helpful to research for the papers for US History since they are creative. If you do more research, you will have more to talk about in your papers.”
I recommend keeping track of your sources, as it becomes very tough to make sure you put every source you used in the bibliography. If you are in a class and have a debate, put a place on your padlet, google doc, or whatever you are using, for sources.
If you are doing World History & Literature, Bernadette, a junior, said:
“The first thing that has helped me in world history is looking ahead in the syllabus at the reading assignments and starting them a few days before they are assigned. This really helps to stay on top of your work, especially if you are a slow reader like me.
“The second thing to mention is that a few of the papers, thesis and analysis assigned are group assignments done in class, it’s important to prepare notes and points before so you’re able to contribute.”
Doing Ancient History & Literature? I have a few tips:
Do your research for the debate. It is good to have organized arguments, but make sure you can deflect what the other team is going to say!
Stay on top of the reading! Please talk to your parents, teacher, and consultant if you get behind. Make a plan and stick to it. It is possible to get caught up!
Take notes. Your notes will be helpful for papers!
Is Medieval European History & Literature one of your subjects? I have some tips:
Be organized with the debates. Put information on a google doc, and give all of the students on your team access. I often had a google hangout with my teammates, and I think email could work, too.
Read for at least an hour each day, even if you don’t like the books. Medieval History & Literature is two credits, so it’s okay if it takes you two hours.
If you are afraid of timed essays, know that your grader knows it isn’t going to be as amazing as you would like. You only have 45 minutes, so your grader wants you to do your best!
Are you taking Adv. American Gov and Econ? I have several tips:
Read with a friend. It is really beneficial to talk about it with a friend as you go, but you have to stay on track!
Do it for an hour. It may take you one and a half hours some days, and thirty-five minutes other days, but read it again and take notes if you’re done before the timer goes off!
Make sure you write your papers on the topic. For example, you aren’t writing a paper about the House of Representatives, but you are writing about its “appropriate size.”
Take it TS or LS! If you aren’t, discuss with a parent. It is a very hard subject to take if you aren’t talking to anyone.
If you are doing Literary Analysis, I have a few tips:
Stay on top of the reading. Finish over the weekend, even if you have already talked about the book. You have a couple papers and exams, and it is better to finish than to read it while you have to prepare for the paper.
Look at the syllabus. If the post takes you longer than a day, do it the day before class.
Decide you are going to read each book and learn something from it. You most likely will not have read all the genres you are reading in Lit, but be excited!