
Are you taking Algebra I (Saxon-3rd Edition)? Olivia P, a sophomore, said: “Try not to get behind in your daily lessons. Also make sure to do all the problem sets. It can be easy to not do them all, but if you are not practicing how to do the examples you can begin to forget the information which your future lessons will build on.”
Are you doing Algebra II (Saxon-3rd Edition)? Anthony, a junior, recommends:
“…doing it first because it’s nearly impossible to do math in the afternoon…and then the next thing is to write everything out!!!! Cause if I have to go back and look at my work for old problem and…don’t know how I worked it out…. I’ll be at a complete loss of what I did.
“Work on memorizing the formulas because that will make your life so much easier because then you can just apply it to your problem and then you will be able to work the problem much quicker.
“If you have a question then ask because math is not easy and the teachers are very helpful.”
Is Geometry (Jacobs-3rd Edition) one of your subjects? I have a few tips:
Preview the quizzes. Check over what you don’t know!
Do it for an hour every day, and do it as your first subject! Our consultant recommended that I do math and Latin first, and it helped!
Make flashcards for the theorems, postulates, etc. Don’t learn for the quizzes; you may want to know geometry for the ACT, SAT, and CLT.