General Tips

We have several tips to help your school day go well!
“Don’t multitask unnecessarily. Get one subject done, and then move on to the next one. Avoid checking emails or text messages while you are doing school.” -Anastasia, 10th grade
“Just actually scheduling study time as an event on your calendar. Sometimes it helps to make sure you get it done.” -Alison, 12th grade
“Take notes even if you don’t have to. Notes help you to remember what you’ve read, and even though note-taking might make you read more slowly, it’s worth taking that extra time.” -Anastasia, 10th grade
“I’ve also benefitted from working hard for 15-20 mins and then taking a 5 min break. That way your brain doesn’t feel overwhelmed or get bored” -Alison, 12th grade
“Look ahead in the syllabi at upcoming assignments. If you know that soon you’ll have to write a paper on geysers, and it will have to be, for example, 300 words long, this will give you an idea of what notes to take, and you’ll have more preparation time. Also, if you have a lot of schoolwork on one day, you can do some of it the day before, if you’ve looked ahead in the syllabi.” -Anastasia, 10th grade
“Schedule your subjects within your school time. Give yourself however much time you will need for a subject (1 hr for math, 30 min for religion, etc.) and finish as much as you can within that time span. If you don’t finish, come back to it later that day.” -Lucia, 9th grade
“Make an outline before you write an essay. This will help you write faster, and you’re less likely to go far over or under the word count.” -Anastasia, 10th grade
“When do you do school best? I get up at 6 because I’m able to work better in the mornings. Have a schedule that helps you get it done! I try to get four subjects done in the morning, and the other two in the afternoon. If you get up early, you need to go to bed early. Make sure you have time to catch up, and also free time, on your schedule. If you have free time on the schedule, you know you will do it, and you can go to bed at a good time.” -Susannah, 11th grade
“If you have a word count, try to stay close to that word count. Writing concisely in the first place is a lot faster than writing too much and then having to cut out bits and pieces from your essay.” -Anastasia, 10th grade
“Don’t procrastinate. Papers written a few days before the deadline and then proofread a few times generally come out a lot better than papers written one hour before the deadline and submitted straight away.” -Anastasia, 10th grade
If you have more tips for MODG courses, please comment below! Do you have a favorite tip we gave you?