Tell us your favorite part about spring!
Dom’s sister’s chick
Tell us your favorite part about spring!
Dom, an 11th grader, said that his favorite part about spring is “seeing everything coming to life; nature and animals.”
“To me, Spring is a sign of hope. During Winter, all the life seems to fade and die but every Spring everything starts to grow again and the animals return. Spring shows us that there’s always some hope.” – Sophie, Grade 9
“Hmm, I’d have to say the blooming plants and nature, and the occasional spring rain that makes the hills turn all green and the wildflowers to spring up.” Madeleine, Grade 10
Click Submit Your Idea, and put your name, grade, picture, and 1-2 sentences about your favorite part of Spring. We will add it to this article! The more the merrier: ask your siblings, too!

Susannah Cope is a journalism student and a junior at Mother of Divine Grace School. She loves reading, singing, leading Bible studies, and watching movies.
Dom Witchalls is a Journalism student and a Junior at MoDG. He’s interested in visual arts such as cinematography, photography, content/media creation,...