Benedictine College Presidential Scholars Weekend
Hear from one of our MODG News Staff members about his experience competing for a Benedictine College scholarship!
In February, I was invited to attend the Presidential Scholars Weekend at Benedictine College in Atchinson, Kansas, to compete in the annual Presidential Scholarship Competition. Over two days—Friday, February 11, and Saturday, February 12—I competed amongst a large group of other selected students for ten Presidential and five Dean’s scholarships.
The schedule for the first day included lunch—and a special Homeschool Luncheon—Mass at noon and in the evening, two walking tours of the campus, academic open house sessions, several talks, a chance to meet admissions counselors, and Confession, with everything culminating in a Presidential Scholars Dinner. Additionally, participants could opt to sign up for auditions to potentially receive a music stipend, which occurred throughout the late morning and early afternoon.
Saturday was the date of the main competition. It was constituted of an interview and an essay on one of several provided topics. Three other activities, a Q&A with current students, a session on study-abroad opportunities, and a Scholars Luncheon with a homeschool meetup opportunity, were interspersed throughout the schedule.
My experience was markedly positive. Despite hours of continuous driving, general nerves for the essay and interview, and quite a temperature shock for a Texan—Kansas can be surprisingly frigid—the spirit of fun prevailed. Being around so many like-minded peers and, specifically, MODGers and friends whom I would scarcely see otherwise, assuaged the pressure of the competition. It is always a blessing for homeschool students to meet fellow homeschoolers. And being able to meet and compete with others from across the country made it all the better.

Joseph Sacco is a Journalism student and current Senior at MoDG. He loves reading, writing, and learning other languages.