Thank you, teachers!

Thank you so much to all MODG teachers and graders! You make such a difference in our lives!
Amanda Mills
Advanced Math
“I never thought advanced math could be so cool! You always explain things SO well! Thank you for convincing me that there’s a much nice alternative to crawling under my seat and hiding from functions in a puddle of tears lol. :)” -Mary Grace Gramlich, 10th grade
Ambrose Terneus
Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry
“Thank you so much for class Mr. Terneus. I enjoyed each and every one of my classes with you. You brought our class alive! Thank you for being so helpful, patient, and an overall great teacher! You made ASPC a challenging class, very fun, and one I looked forward to. Your drawings helping us understand potential gravitational and kinetic energy, as well as the random examples relating physics or chemistry to everyday life, will forever be remembered! Thank you :)” -Mari Fairchild, 10th grade
Henle Latin III
“Thanks for always making me look forward to Monday mornings (even though it meant I couldn’t sleep in, which I didn’t like). I hope I get you for a teacher again, because you made Latin so much more fun than it used to be! Thanks!” -Magdalene, 9th grade
“This year has literally been so much fun! I always look forward to Mondays and Wednesdays when you start the class with a joke. I hope to have you for a teacher again. Thanks!!!” -Grace Kristine, 9th grade
Andrew Kuenstle
Health and Literary Analysis Grader
“Thank you for being my Health and Literary Analysis grader! I’m so glad you had deadlines for Health because it helped me realize I could do more than I thought I could. Thank you for responding to my emails, also! God bless!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grader
Henle Latin II
“Mr. Kuenstle, thank you so much for teaching Latin in such a way that it doesn’t ever feel too difficult. I’ve really enjoyed being in your Henle Latin II class this year and having fun while learning at the same time. Thank you for helping me through my sentences even when I completely mess them up. You are truly a wonderful teacher.” -Maya Decker, 9th grade
“The past two years of Latin Class have been amazing. You’ve made the material so interesting in so many different ways and I am always eager to come to class. Thank you so much for being a great teacher and for so expertly balancing all your high-spirited students.” -Lucy Spiering, 11th grade
“Thank you for such a great Latin year, Mr. Kuenstle! I had so much fun in your class. My favorite parts in your class were the Latin translations and the end of the week vocabulary quizzes!” -Ava Clare Joly
Angela Hebert
Algebra II
“Mrs. Hebert, Thank you so much for teaching Algebra 2 this year. You’re always there to help me on a problem, or explain a concept multiple times until I understand. Thank you.” -Maya Decker, 9th grade
“I have really enjoyed learning Geometry with you! You’re a great teacher, and thank you for all your help – they certainly have helped me a lot. You are so willing to help, and I really appreciate that. I hope you have a great summer! God bless you, and your family!” -Vidya Thomas, 11th grade
“Math has always been a difficult subject for me, and going into geometry I was a little nervous. But, as usual, you have made something I was dreading into an enjoyable, fun class! I always love having you and sharing Louisiana stories! I hope I can get you next year!” -Aimee Simpson, 10th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching geometry last year! It was my favorite year of math, and you are so motherly and welcoming. I remember one day we were saying there was a lot to pray for, and you still started off the prayer thanking God, which left a big impact on me. Thank you for being such a good math teacher! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Barbara Corbalis
Am Gov and Econ
“Thank you so much for teaching this class! You were an incredible teacher and really helped me to understand everything! I will keep you in my prayers!” -Abbie Orsborn, 12th grade
Bernadette Moore
Medieval European History and Lit
“Thank you so much for being a great history teacher this year! You taught me a lot, and I had fun in class every time thanks to you. Throughout the year, I could always count on you to help me distinguish between Alfonsos, Edwards, or whatever other repetitive name we were talking about. Also, your outlines were extremely helpful in my paper writing. Thank you so much for all you do!” -James Dziowgo, 11th grade
Medieval History Class
“Dear Mrs. Bernadette Moore, discussing books with you is amazing! You go into lots of detail and explain everything so good! Thank you!” -Olivia Buehler, grade 8
Breana English
“Thank you so much for teaching my history class, Mrs. English. I’ve always loved it when I’ve gotten you as a teacher! You’re fantastic at teaching! I’ve especially enjoyed all the debates that we did this year. Thank you so much and God bless!” -Sophie Swerda, grade 9
“I had you for U.S. History a few years ago, and it was one of my favorite classes! You are so encouraging and optimistic. =) You are also one of my favorite graders; it means so much that you took the time to write comments and writing challenges! I loved the debates, too. Thank you for organizing them really well! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Catherine Stypa
“Thank you so much for our math classes! Also for the very fun Jeopardy games at the end of the year!(Go team Eggtastic 😉 ) Thank you!” -Rylie Mossburg, 7th grade
Cecilia Zepp
“Thank you so much for teaching science, Mrs. Zepp! It really has helped me to learn to understand science more! You’re so sweet and smart and the explanations that you give are very easy to understand, thank you!” -Madeline Squires, 8th grade
Cheri Blomquist
US History and Literature
“Mrs. Blomquist, thank you for teaching American History and Literature this year. I have learned so much from your class, and I have loved learning about American history this year. Thank you for answering my many questions, and for being a great teacher.” -Maya Decker, 9th grade
Christopher Sebastian
Lit Analysis
“Thank you so much for class! It was very funny, and I love the class quotes! Thank you for your time, and going over to let us keep talking about it. 🙂 I want to read some of the books again now that I know what is going on! God bless, SUSANNAH xD” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
“Thank you so much for Literary Analysis! I really enjoyed this class and reading all the books and short stories! I learned so much about analyzing and looking more deeply into literature. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!” -Abbie Orsborn, 12th grade
Cynthia Montanaro
Ancient History
“I was in your Ancient History class, last year! I just wanted to say that it was the most wonderful class, ever! Thank you for being such a great teacher and for everything! I really admire you, and your teaching skills!” -Vidya Thomas, 11th grade
“Thank you for being an amazing history teacher! I loved your classes! They were always entertaining and kept me interested. You explained everything so well, which helped me a ton! Thank you so much!” -Marianne Treis, 11th grade
Dorothy Ayala
Bible Study and History of Medieval England and Spain
“I’ve really enjoyed our conference calls this year! You always have something new and interesting to add about the material and it is evident that you care a lot about the subjects you’re teaching. You make my school seem completely manageable and talking to you is one of most calming things in my life. Thank you.” -Lucy Spiering, 11th grade
Emilie Crimmins
“Thank you soo much for teaching 8th grade religion, Ms. Crimmins!! You are such a fun and thoughtful teacher to have!! Your classes were so fun and have really helped me get a better grip on the faith! I looked forward to them every week and will miss them next year!!” -Madeline Squires, 8th grade
Emily Hurtado
“Thank you for teaching! Your class has really helped me to appreciate art!! You are such a kind and passionate teacher, thank you so much!!” -Madeline Squires, 8th grade
Fiona Leggett
Earth Science
“Thank you so much for being such an awesome teacher. I was told by my siblings that Earth Science was one of the hardest and most boring classes there was but you definitely proved them wrong. You made every topic we talked about so interesting and helped me learn how to write really well. Thank you so much!” -Patrick Buehler, 10th grade
“Thank you for teaching Earth Science a few years ago! I loved your slides and outlines. Earth Science is a hard course, but you were a good teacher! I remember thinking the topics were so interesting, and I’m sure that was due to your class! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
James Endres
Advanced American Government
“Thank you so much for class! Government was one of my favorite classes this year. I learned so much about the government, and the economics book was great. Thank you for bringing your experience to our class! God bless!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Ancient History
“Ancient history has always been my favorite time period, but I have never learned as much about it and with as much detail as I did in this class! No matter who or what we were learning about, I was engaged and excited to know more about it! You have been such a great teacher, especially in the way you keep things interesting! I look forward to having you again in the future!” -Aimee Simpson, 10th grade
Classics Seminar: Ancient and Classics Seminar: Shakespeare
“Although the classes I’ve had have only met every other week, the classics have been one of the most impactful classes. Thank you for not just telling me I was completely off with my answers and telling me the right one, but leading me, as well as the rest of my class, to the truth.” -Lucy McCann, 11th grade
Classics Seminar
“You have taught me to appreciate Shakespeare in a way I never have before. I now understand Shakespeare far better than I did before I started the Classics Seminar. Thank you for teaching this class!” -Anastasia Marambos, 10th grade
Literary Analysis
“Thank you, Mr. Endres! Because of you, I can now appreciate Flannery O’Connor, learn to love poetry, more fully understand the nature of man and sin, and understand the point of a short story in which the main character turns into a giant beetle. The humor, the wonderful discussions, and the insight you brought to the classroom gave me a new appreciation for literature! Thanks again for an amazing year!” –Maile Stroecker, 12th grade
“Thank you so much, Mr. Endres, for this year. I used to really dislike having to read books that didn’t appeal to me and thanks to your class and enthusiasm in teaching I have learned to read and enjoy all kinds of literature, especially short stories. Thank you so much and God Bless!” -Ana Torres, 12th grade
Medieval History and Literature
“I can’t thank you enough for this incredible year I’ve had in your class. Your explanations are always so well thought out; they make me consider things I hadn’t before. I remember all the literary classes as especially amazing, as we delved into White Horse, Beowulf, Roland, and the others. Hands down, you’ve been the best history teacher I’ve ever had. I hope to have you again next year!” -Mary Grace Gramlich, 10th grade
“Mr. Endres, thank you so much for teaching History in such an enjoyable way. Class is always so entertaining and I learn a ton. You always gave great feedback on my papers and really helped me understand the time period. You have a very captivating way of teaching that helped me want to learn more about something I’m not usually very interested in!” -Anthony Fontecchio, 11th grade
Jed Crook
Bible Study
“Thank you so much for a wonderful year of Religion! I have enjoyed the classes immensely, and you certainly do make them super interesting. (By the way, you should definitely consider pursuing a career in voice-acting; you’d do a splendid job at it. ;)) Wishing you all the best, and God bless you and your family!” -Vidya Thomas, 11th grade
“Dear Mr. Crook, Thank you for being such an awesome teacher this year and last year! I love your classes so much! They were always super fun! Thank you for keeping me entertained while teaching me so much at the same time! You explained everything so well! Thank you so much again!!” -Marianne Treis, 11th grade
Catholic Doctrine
“Thank you for being such a great teacher and grader through the years! I have learned so much that I will carry with me throughout my life! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!” -Abbie Orsborn, 12th grade
Sacraments and Apologetics
“Mr. Crook, I just want to say, thanks so much for being you. Every Tuesday we had class, I’d look forward to it so much. You always found a way to put a smile on my face or even cause me to die from laughter at times. Thank you so much!” -Patrick Buehler, 10th grade
Sacraments and Apologetics, Bible Study, and Catholic Doctrine
“Thank you so much for teaching Religion the past three years, Mr. Crook! Your classes are so much fun. Sacraments and Apologetics was one of my favorite years of Religion, and canned bread will always make me think of MODG, haha! Thank you so much for the awesome years. It was so great to meet your family! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Kaleigh Hultine
“Thank you for teaching chemistry! Thank you for your patience and your joyful attitude. 🙂 I hope you have a good summer! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
“Thank you so much for all you did in Chemistry class last year! You were a really great teacher and the classes were so fun! I was a bit nervous for Chemistry but I learned so much and honestly had a great time learning about Chemistry! You made things so much easier to understand! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!” -Abbie Orsborn, 12th grade
Earth Science
“Dear Mrs H, High school SWALLOWED me this year – I had so many new things in my life, aside from the big switch to high school and online classes. It was stressful and difficult, but the ES classes were really like a breath of fresh air! I enjoyed them and I love the way you teach. Blessings to you (and Brad and Cole, the part-time class additions).” -Devyn Danos, 9th grade
Kathleen Castell
Grammar and Comp
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Castell, for teaching the 9th grade grammar class. It helped me better understand the subject and helped me become better in my writing. I was so grateful for your classes this past school year!” -Hannah Laskowski, 8th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching Latin this year, Mrs. Castell! Your teaching really helped me get a better grasp on Latin, you’re such an amazing teacher! I hope that I can have you as a teacher again!” -Madeline Squires, 8th grade
Lepanto Grammar
“Thank you for teaching me grammar when I was in 7th grade! Much of 7th grade was fairly hard for me, but you made the grammar easy. Thank you!” -Anastasia Marambos, 10th grade
Katy Hansen
“Biology was my favorite subject this year, thanks to you! When other schoolwork got tough, I always found myself looking forward to biology class! Besides the fact that I just love biology in general, you have a wonderful way of spicing it up or making fun with us students! I think I speak for all of your students when I say that I really connected not only with you, but with the other students through you this year and I’m extremely thankful to have had you!! Thank you so much for a great school year!” -Aimee Simpson, 10th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching bio last year! I loved your teaching method! Thank you for having deadlines and for telling us to write notes. Bio was one of my favorite subjects, and one of my favorite classes for science. Thank you for preparing your students for college. 🙂 God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Kay Beers
“Dear Mrs. Beers, When I started off the year, I’d heard a lot of awful things about chemistry. I’m happy to say, it’s proven to be one of my favorite classes! Your guidance helped me to understand and appreciate it. I always loved when you sang to us, too! God bless!” -Mary Grace Gramlich, 10th grade
Kimberly McCarthy
Journalism/News Production
“Thank you for all those years teaching Journalism and News Production! I still remember the stories you told about your time as a professional journalist, and I’m sure I’ll continue to carry fond memories of my time in your class with me. 🙂 God bless, and thank you!” – Katherine Milliken
Kristin Crook
Ancient History and Sacraments and Apologetics grader
“Thank you so much for being my grader a couple years ago! You were so patient with deadlines, and are one of the fastest graders I’ve had. It was always so nice to get papers back quickly. It was amazing to meet you, too! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Laura Berquist
Ancient History (2019-2020)
“Thank you for teaching Ancient History a few years ago! I loved being in your class! Thank you for sharing your love of ancient history with us. MODG has been such a blessing in my life, and in the lives of so many people. Thank you so much for starting Mother of Divine Grace, and for the example you are to all MODG students. God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Laura Beth Carlson
American History
“Thank you so much! I haven’t always loved history, but you always made the discussion super interesting. I feel like I’ve learned so much which is really great, thank you again!” -Mary Rose Klein, 9th grade
Lauren Gramlich
Beginning Latin III and Fundamentals of Latin Grammar – Year 1
“Dear Mrs. C, you gave me an appreciation for Latin that I will never forget. You are one of the best teachers out there. Not only are you a great teacher, but you have always been very joyful. You made me look forward to Latin class, something that I doubt many people can do. Thank you!!” -Michael Sica, 8th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching me this year!! This Latin class was so fun and I really enjoyed it! I hope I’ll have you in the future:)” -Luke Helms, 7th grade
Margaret Burns
“Thank you Ms. Burns! It was a great year with you. You were great at helping me understand Latin better! I hope to have you as a teacher again!” -Lucy Cavanaugh, 8th grade
Margaret Hayden
Art, Science and Latin
“Dear Mrs. Hayden, Thank you so very much for teaching me Latin, science and art!! I have learned SO much and I can’t tell you what a kind and amazing teacher you are!!! You surely are one of the best teachers ever, and I am so blessed to have had you as my teacher. You’ve taught me so much amazing stuff and all that I’ve learned will definitely stick with me for a long time because of how interesting you made the work and classes! Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!” -Miriam Syversen, 8th grade
Earth Science
“Thank you so much for teaching Earth Science this year! You always make the classes so fun and eventful and I always look forward to them. I don’t usually look forward to classes so that’s saying a lot xD. Thanks for making the load easier and letting us do some papers in class. It’s so helpful. Anyways you’re the best teacher ever and I’m praying for you!” -Nicholas Cope, 9th grade
Health, Medieval History, and MODG Latin IV
“Thank you so much for everything you have done for us! Medieval History and Latin were two of my favorite classes. I love your sense of humor, and your teaching style is so engaging! You’ve made such a difference in my life, and I’m so blessed to have had all of the experiences I have because of you. Thank you for believing in me, helping me when I was behind, and for caring about your students. You are one of the best teachers I will ever have! I hope you know what a difference you have made in the lives of your students and families. We will miss you so much. I’m praying for you! God bless!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Medieval History and Literature
“Thank you so much Mrs. Hayden! In general, history is not my favorite subject, but our class this year was so much fun! I learned a lot and really had a good time learning about this time period with you!” -Mikayla Pipes, 11th grade
Maria Stover
Medieval History Book Club and Religion 8 (Our Life in the Church)
“Dear Mrs. Stover, thank you for all your constructive criticism and for keeping me on track with my work. Without your help I would have much worse grades. Thank you so much!!” -Michael Sica, 8th grade
Mari McAlister
Latin Beta 1
“Dear Mrs. McA, all I can say is, Latin was way easier than I expected it to be this year, thanks to you! I really enjoyed your class, and I really hope I can sign up for Latin 3 with you next year! Thanks again, and God bless!” -Caitlin Jacobson, 8th grade
“Mrs. McAlister, just want to say thanks for the great class! It really helped me with my Latin this year!!! Thanks!!!” -Ben Klein, 9th grade
“Thank you Mrs. McAlister for helping me catch up with Latin. You spent your free time to have one-on-one classes with me to make up for my mistakes.” -Augustus Heintz, 10th grade
Mary Catherine Cornwell
US History and American Literature
“Thank you so much for this year in history! It has been so much fun! I hope to have you as a teacher in the future!” -Grace Kristine, 9th grade
Mary Margaret Nazeck
Natural Science
“Mrs. Nazeck, Thank you for being such a wonderful Natural Science teacher this year! I have learned so much from being in your class and the discussions are always wonderful!” -Maya Decker, 9th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching us this year. I’m not really a science person, but I really enjoyed class and you made it very interesting. I’ve enjoyed learning so much from you. And little Maeve’s comments have been adorable 😉 God bless you and your family!” -Sophie Swerda, grade 9
Mary-Mark Haggard
Medieval History and Literature
“Thank you, ma’am, for a superb year of history! It has definitely been interesting exploring the middle ages with you, and I especially like how you make events in history relatable to this day and age. You’re an amazing teacher, so sweet, and just wonderful! God bless you, and your family!” -Vidya Thomas, 11th grade
Matthew Speer
Advanced Latin – Ecclesiastical
“Latin was probably my favorite subject this year. It was a lot of fun exploring all the different Church doctors in Latin, and you really helped me learn to translate much easier. This was my first year actually having a LS class for Latin (previously my mom taught me), and it was a really good class! Thanks for a great school year!!” -Mikayla Pipes, 11th grade
Bible Study
“Dear Mr. Speer, thank you so much for this year! I really enjoyed going through the Bible with the class; we had some great discussions, especially on the Old Testament prophets (my favorite)! And I’ll always remember the time you told us you shot a coyote across a field from your upstairs window hahah. Blessings!” -Mary Grace Gramlich, 10th grade
Natural Science and Sacraments and Apologetics
“Mr. Speer, thank you so much for teaching me both Natural Science and Sacraments & Apologetics. I learned a lot and really enjoyed the class discussions. I appreciate your focus on the topic being discussed, but I am also grateful that you are willing to take detours to explain something in detail or answer my somewhat off-topic questions. Also, your dry sense of humor in class was fun. Thank you for the most enjoyable and informative classes I’ve ever had.” -Peter Foley, 10th grade
Sacraments and Apologetics
“Thank you, Mr. Speer, for an awesome Sacraments and Apologetics class! I was definitely skeptical starting this class off, but it turned out to be so much fun! Thank you for taking extra time with us to explain things and help with papers. The break-out room sessions were so helpful for me and I think I can speak for the whole class when I say we will never forget the important discussions we had. Also, “Jesus wasn’t just a dude!” -I will never forget this! Thank you!” -Claire Necaise, 10th grade
Micaela Stoutz
“Thank you so much. I’ve always loved math and you made it even better. The classes were always so helpful. When you explained something even if I already knew how to do the problem you made it make even more sense which is truly amazing. You are such a great teacher!” -Mary Rose Klein, 9th grade
Michelle Geisbert
Algebra 1/2
“Dear Mrs. Geisbert, Last year, every day my mom and I would sit down and prepare to go through Algebra. We’d be there for an hour+, and I’d cry all the time because I was SO FRUSTRATED and upset that the problems just would not work out. Props to my mom, but having a teacher who understood the math herself made all the difference in the world. This is the first year I’ve gotten good grades in Math 🙂 Thank you!” -Devyn Danos, 9th grade
Fine Arts
“Thank you so much for teaching Fine Arts! I really enjoyed learning, listening, and looking at new art and music. I learned so much and will definitely look at more art and listen to more music from class! I will keep you in my prayers!” -Abbie Orsborn, 12th grade
Fine Arts: Appreciation Middle School – Year 1 and Medieval History Book Club
“History class this year is the only reason I haven’t given up on school. I have some very fond memories of art class last year as well. Thank you for being such an enjoyable teacher!!!” -Michael Sica, 8th grade
“Thank you so much for our history classes! Learning about Greeks and Romans this year with you was very fun! Thank you!” -Rylie Mossburg, 7th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching history Mrs. Geisbert, you’re a really great and fun teacher!! I really enjoyed your class this year, it was really fun! Thank you!!” -Madeline Squires, 8th grade
“Thank you so much Mrs. Geisbert! You have been one of the best teachers I have ever had. You always make the class so fun! I really enjoy being a part of your class. I hope to have you again next year!” -Lucy Cavanaugh, 8th grade
History and Math
“Dear Mrs. G, thank you so much for teaching me math and history! I love both of my classes and every time I come into class you always give such a good vibe. Outta all my classes I’ve for sure laughed the most in yours, and it’s just been so amazing. Thank you so much for helping me understand everything, I couldn’t have done all these years of math without you lol! Thank you so much for being so patient with me and my little siblings, I know we can be a hard bunch to teach lol but you’re so amazing and always bring out the best in all of us. Thank you so much!!!” -Miriam Syversen, 8th grade
Medieval Class
“Dear Mrs. Geisbert, thank you for being the best LS teacher I could ever ask for. This was my first year doing LS classes and even though you were my only teacher, I really enjoyed meeting on Thursdays and discussing our books that we had read. I hope I can have you for a teacher again and thank you for being the best teacher ever!” -Reese Anderson, 8th grade
Moira Kuenstle
Faith and Morality
“Thanks for teaching my religion class this year! Your class was amazing, and I loved all the discussions we had! I really learned a lot, and you’re really great at teaching! It’s been super awesome having you as my religion teacher for the past two years. Thanks again Mrs. K.!” -Jude Courant, 9th grade
“Mrs. K, you are an incredible teacher! I love being in class with you and it’s been great to have you again! Your teaching style is amazing and I’ve honestly learned so much from you. God bless and thank you!” -Sophie Swerda, grade 9
Our Life in the Church, Faith and Morality, and Sacraments and Apologetics
“I can never thank you enough for teaching me not only one, but three years of Religion. It wasn’t just the material, but how to articulate my arguments clearly and convincingly as well as how to discuss with my fellow students.” -Lucy McCann, 11th grade
Monica Conklin
American Government and Economics
“You have pushed me to learn in a way that no other teacher has. You bring a certain energy to class that makes me want to both know more and achieve more. Thank you for being there for me and all your students!” -Isabel Heintz, 12th grade
Nancy Gordon
Math and Science
“Thanks you so much, Mrs. Gordon! You have been a great teacher! You are really good at explaining and answering questions! I hope I will have you as a teacher again some other year!” -Lucy Cavanaugh, 8th grade
Paula Guernsey
Natural Science
“Thank you for being so very patient with my class:). We weren’t the calmest, but you presented the material in such an engaging light, we couldn’t help but love it.” -Lucy McCann, 11th grade
“Thank you so much for everything you have helped me with! You were so encouraging, and had such a positive mindset. It means so much to me that you took the time every week to help me; you really made a difference in my life. You made my year so much better; I don’t know what I would have done without you! Thank you for everything you have done for me, and everything you do for MODG. God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
Peter Asper
Adv. Math Year 1
“Mr. Asper, thank you so much for teaching advanced math! There were so many times where I would read a lesson and be completely confused by it and then I would get to class and you would explain it in such an understandable way that it made it feel so simple. It is a difficult subject to learn, but you taught us in way that made class fun. Your teaching really helped and increased my knowledge of math!” -Anthony Fontecchio, 11th grade
Rachael Lowe
Grammar and Comp
“Thank you so much Mrs. Lowe! You’ve changed my whole perspective on grammar. I used to hate it with an utter passion. Now, it’s one of my favorite subjects. I’ll miss you next year!” -Magdalene, 9th grade
Latin Henle 1A
“Dear Mrs. Lowe, Thank you so much for an amazing year of Latin. You have a way of making even the hardest concepts clear and concise. You made Latin so much easier and fun to learn. You are such an amazing person, thank you so much!” -Ethan Keilen, 8th grade
“Noooooooo, I’m going to miss you so much, Mrs. Lowe! I’ve loved having you as my teacher these past two years and I’m so sad that you won’t be teaching me next year. You’re such an incredible teacher and I’ve loved every second of class. Latin won’t be the same without you. Thank you again and God bless you and your lovely family!” -Sophie Swerda, grade 9
Rachel Olesen
“Thank you so much for all the art classes you have taught over the years! I have really enjoyed them and I hope to be in a class with you next year! Thank you!” -Rylie Mossburg, 7th grade
Rachel Montanaro
Sacred Scripture
“Thank you so much for being a great religion teacher this year! I love religion and the Bible and I have learned so much in this class. You were one of my favorite teachers this year and I always looked forward to Religion class on Wednesdays. I loved how you would teach us all the important things, but then jump on a tangent and tell us something fun about the Bible I never knew! Thank you so much for all you do” -James Dziowgo, 11th grade
Sharon Fischer
“Thank you so much for the Latin class this year! You teach in a very fun and engaging way! I have really enjoyed taking your class this year! Thank you!” -Rylie Mossburg, 7th grade
Sharon C. Williams
Faith and Morality
“Thank you, Mrs. Williams. You were really the most amazing teacher I have had. I didn’t realize how much of an impact your class had on me last year. I really enjoyed going deep into the topics of faith and morality and learning so much more from our off-topic discussions. Oh, and when the whole world was crashing due to the pandemic, your happy attitude, stories from TX A&M, and jeopardy reviews were the best. You were the first person to really show me that you can still have a nice stay-at-home job and have a family. I really hope to become an awesome teacher and mother like you one day! Thank you for everything! Forever thankful!” -Claire Necaise, 10th grade
Stephanie Pipes
Adv. Latin Patristics
“Dear Miss Pipes, This class was really challenging for me, but it was so fun and I learned so much! I’m forever grateful that you were generous with the homework lol. I also think we did benefit in the end from arguing over random “the”s and such for much too long. My favorite author was definitely Aquinas! :)” -Mary Grace Gramlich, 10th grade
Fundamentals of Latin Grammar Year 2 and History Book Club Grade 7
“Thank you for helping me get through Latin, and appreciate history more. You are an amazing, fun teacher and I hope to learn from you more in the future. Thank you!!!” -Michael Sica, 8th grade
“Thank you so much!!! I really enjoyed your class; it was super fun and it made me love Latin. I love how you always made up fun games to play in class so that they weren’t boring. They also really helped to quickly learn the material.” -Mary Rose Klein, 9th grade
“Ms. Pipes, thank you for teaching the 7th grade religion class last year. It helped me to enjoy the subject of religion. Now, one of my favorite subjects.” -Hannah Laskowski, 8th grade
Stephanie Sebastian
Journalism and News Production
“Thank you for doing Journalism and News Production. It was one of my favorite subjects this year! Thank you for keeping journalism going; I have loved working on articles for MoDG news. You are so joyful! God bless you!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
“Thank you, Mrs. Sebastian, for all the classes! I never thought I’d enjoy Journalism and News Productions as much as I did. It’s been so much fun. Thank you!” – Dom Witchalls, 11th grade
“Thank you so much for teaching Journalism/News Production this past year, Mrs. Sebastian! You were always so encouraging and supportive of our story ideas (and it was fun making all those polls for the website in class ;-)). I’ll be sure to keep reading the MODG News site after I’ve graduated!” – Katherine Milliken, 12th grade
“Thank you for being such a cheerful and amazing teacher! I have learned a lot from being in your journalism/news production class!” -Anastasia Marambos, 10th grade
Susan Wowchuk
Cambridge Latin II
“Dear Mrs. Wowchuk, Thank you so much for being such a great Latin teacher to me! I’ve really enjoyed your classes, both this year and last year. You are always so helpful and understanding! Thank you again!” -Marianne Treis, 11th grade
Teresa Peddemors
“Thanks a ton for teaching my grammar class this year! It was really fun doing the literary analysis and the presentation! You’re always funny in class, and you help clear things up when they’re complicated, so thank you, Mrs. P.!” -Jude Courant, 9th grade
Intro to Latin and Latin I
“Thank you so much for being such a good Latin teacher, and for making Latin easy and fun. Tu es magistra optissima!” -Anastasia Marambos, 10th grade
“I was devastated when I learned I had to take a 3rd year of Latin but your classes made the language a bit more bearable. It was nice to have a teacher that would talk about 80s hair and funny family stories all while teaching the concepts at the same time. Thank you for being an amazing teacher this year!” -Bernadette Cocci, 11th grade
“Thank you so much for all you did in all the Latin classes you have taught me! You have for sure been one of my favorite teachers and had the most fun classes! I will keep you in my prayers!” -Abbie Orsborn, 12th grade
Our Life in the Church
“Dear Mrs, Teresa Peddemors, thank you for being a great ( and probably best) religion teacher I have ever had! You are soo positive and very sweet towards everyone! I will miss you so much! Thank you again!” -Olivia Buehler, grade 8
Test Prep
“Dear Mrs. P, as always, I loved having you as my teacher!! Your classes are so bright and fun, and it makes my day whenever you go off on funny tangents. You’re part of the reason I love writing so much. Grammar can be tough, but you’ve made me confident in my abilities by teaching me not only the rules but also the logical reasoning behind them. I can’t say thank you enough! Blessings!” -Mary Grace Gramlich, 10th grade
Theresa Rankin
Math 87
“Dear Mrs. Theresa Rankin, Your love towards math is amazing! You explain everything so well and it definitely helps! Thank you!” -Olivia Buehler, grade 8
Thomas Mazza
Latin II
“Thank you so much for teaching Latin, Mr. Mazza! It was one of my favorite Latin classes. I loved the saying at the beginning of the day. You made classes so fun, and I don’t think I would have liked Henle as much if it weren’t for my MODG teachers! God bless!” -Susannah Cope, 11th grade
If you would like to thank your teachers in this article, comment below so we can add it to the article.
We hope you have an amazing summer!

Susannah Cope is a journalism student and a junior at Mother of Divine Grace School. She loves reading, singing, leading Bible studies, and watching movies.

Katherine Milliken is a News Production student, and a senior in MODG. She loves to write, and plans on majoring in literature at college.

Isabel Heintz is a senior at Mother of Divine Grace school. She plans on attending college for mass media or communications in the near future.

Maile Stroecker is a Senior at MODG. She enjoys reading, dancing, running, and spending time with friends and family.
Laura Gotshall • Jun 22, 2022 at 8:23 am
Thank you for everything Mrs. Ayala! You inspired me to start writing my novel and I will never forget all your words of encouragement.
-Laura Gotshall, 12th grade
Sophia Gonzales • Jun 20, 2022 at 6:42 pm
Thank you Ms. King! My mom and I really appreciate the encouragement you gave me in my writing skills for the past few years in my science and history courses! It has made me a very confident writer! – Sophia Gonzales (& mom), 10th grade
Ndali Nwokoye • Jun 20, 2022 at 9:04 am
They were all very uplifting! I am so excited in getting my son started, but at the pre-kindergarten level in August.
Colette Cleveland • Jun 14, 2022 at 4:01 pm
Thank you Mrs. Montanaro, you were an awesome teacher! I never appreciated History until this year when I realized it was really fun, yet, challenging at the same time! – Colette Cleveland, 9th grade