Vocational Retreat: Quo Vadis
What is a vocational retreat?
During the summer, many students look forward to various camps at colleges, camp sites etc. Some of these camps deal with classes or games while others are more faith based.
Vocational retreats are some of these faith-based camps that focus on helping young people find their vocation, whether it be to religious life, consecrated single life, or married life. Quo Vadis is a vocational retreat specifically focused on helping young men discern the priesthood. Peter Foley, a MODG student and one of the attendees of this retreat, answered some of our questions about Quo Vadis.
What made you choose Quo Vadis over other camps?
My priest suggested I go. I didn’t originally want to go, but I wanted to be sure of my vocation so I wouldn’t have to worry about it again.
What did a normal day look like?
The camp started on Friday night and went to Sunday afternoon. It started with dinner and there was confession, small groups, talks, testimonies, Mass and a one-on-one talk with a priest. The talks were on a couple of different things, like Adoration, the Eucharist, and priesthood.
What was the most surprising thing about the camp?
Getting to talk with the priest in charge of the retreat.
Would you recommend Quo Vadis to others?
There might be better camps than Quo Vadis, but it was good, and it was close to home.

Olivia is a junior from Huntsville, Alabama. She is number six of ten children and has been a student at MODG for eleven years. She enjoys creative writing,...