An Interview with a Damascus Missionary
A Pic of Bebe : )
Damascus is a Catholic ministry which evangelizes kids through Catholic Youth Summer Camp. Its goal is to see revival in the youth through a radical encounter with Christ. Bebe, a Damascus Missionary, has agreed to share with us her experience and knowledge about this amazing organization!
What is Damascus? Damascus isn’t just a place, it’s a people! It’s a body of missionaries who hold the same heart for revival in the Catholic Church, and we do this through Catholic Youth Summer Camp and high-adventure activities!
What is the community like at Damascus? The community is very supportive and totally Jesus-centered! When I entered, just being surrounded by people who are so focused on running toward Jesus, it immediately made me want to be a better person and love Jesus more. It is also very lively and joyful!
How did you discern you wanted to be a Missionary? I didn’t really have it on my heart to apply but one day Jesus told me in prayer to open up my computer. I ended up on the Damascus website, and I didn’t even know what was happening, but all of a sudden I was on the application page. I just felt prompted to apply and honestly didn’t understand why. But then Jesus just took me to a picture of the missionaries, and he said that he wanted me to be a part of this body and that they need who I am!
What does your role at Damascus entail? I am a Counseling Lead, so I oversee counselors throughout the course of retreats and make sure that they’re loved on and doing okay. I also get to help any campers that are struggling.
How has Damascus affected your life? It has totally changed my life! I feel WAY more alive and way more free than I’ve ever felt in my life! I just feel very fulfilled knowing I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be!
How have you witnessed Damascus affect other people’s lives? This summer I led a lot of prayer labs (sessions to teach campers how to pray) and teaching people to hear the voice of God in prayer is one of the coolest experiences ever! It’s really one of the coolest parts about Damascus – that we don’t only lead them to an encounter with Christ, but we teach them how to go home and continue that relationship with God. Seeing kids perk up when they hear God’s voice for the first time, or they get a word or image from God, I think that’s one of the greatest ways that it’s affected people’s lives.
What has been your favorite part of being a missionary? Hanging out with the kids! I love kids so much and it’s so awesome getting to love them by playing and having fun with them!

Anna is a junior from Columbus, Ohio. She's an avid reader, amateur photographer, and loves animals. Among other things, she enjoys skiing, cross country,...