John Paul the Great Catholic University
John Paul the Great Catholic University is a Newman Guide university that specializes in business and arts majors. The school is located in Escondido, CA, just forty minutes north of San Diego. In this article, Lucia interviews Amethyst, a current sophomore at JP Catholic.
What year and major are you?
I’m a Sophomore (2nd year) at JPCatholic, and I’m majoring in humanities with an emphasis on creative writing.
Was JPCatholic your first choice when you were looking at colleges? What made you decide to attend?
JPCatholic was not my first choice, and it wasn’t even on my radar until my mom briefly talked about it. I knew I wanted a school that involved Christ, shared my values, and was close to home, and from the sound of it JPCatholic was that school, but I was skeptical. When I went to “University Day” for JPCatholic, heard what they had to say, and saw the campus, my skepticism started going away. When I met some teachers, they had such a passion for the faith and what they taught. That’s when I knew JPCatholic was the right fit for me because not only was it close to home, and centered in Christ but the teachers were passionate about the faith and teaching. I was also intrigued to find out how Christ was going to be incorporated into all subjects. The small student community is also a bonus as it helps to develop strong and lasting friendships.
What makes JPCatholic stand out from other Catholic universities?
JPCatholic stands out in many ways, from its 3-year program to the opportunities that arise from the school’s location. However, we are a school that wants to Impact Culture for Christ, and I feel this is where JPCatholic really stands out because they help shape their students to look for, be inspired by, and help spread what is true, good and beautiful.
Additionally, it’s a Catholic school that welcomes all faith backgrounds without judgment from staff members or students.
Are there any core classes that all students are required to take? What are those like?
Yes, there are core classes required for all students. I haven’t attended many core classes, however, the ones that I have taken and am currently taking are insightful. The Philosophy core classes were challenging but enjoyable, and the philosophers [we] talked about and read were thought-provoking. The Cultural Fountains core classes are similar to a literature class, where you read novels important to certain eras.
How is the Faith incorporated into your classes? What’s the faith life like on campus?
The classes I’ve been in have the faith incorporated into the curriculum, for example, Christian Experience, which is heavy in the faith. Other classes have the students find the connection between the faith and the class, for example, last quarter I had to connect the book “Crime and Punishment” to the New Testament. For this quarter in science, the faith is both in the curriculum and I’m having to do a traditional scripture reflection emphasizing my big takeaway. In another class, I’m doing a non-traditional scripture reflection where I’m reflecting on how a verse or two can be related to the arts.
The faith on campus is great and an inspiration to my faith, there are reminders of God in every room. JPCatholic holds Mass daily, and classes are not scheduled during Mass allowing students to attend if they want. They also have spiritual direction, adoration, and sometimes they hold community prayer.
What are the dorms like at JPCatholic?
I commute to school; however, the insides of the apartments and townhouses are very nice. It’s about a 10min walk to the school, and a shorter walk to the movies and a grocery store. I have a friend who has been in both the apartments and townhouses, and she has nothing but good things to say about them. Living on campus gives you a lot of freedom, which comes with just as much responsibility.
How does JPCatholic prepare you for life after college?
JPCatholic prepares one for life after college by teaching their students valuable life skills such as management, leadership, communication, how to work with others, and personal finance.
Living on campus will strengthen self-discipline and personal accountability, being that your parents aren’t there to make sure you’re getting everything done; you will have shared household responsibilities, on top of schoolwork.
Do you have any advice for people who are interested in JPCatholic?
My advice for anyone interested in JPCatholic would be to look at the programs offered and what path they would like to follow. Also, remember that path can change at any time and that is okay! You can also reach out with questions or concerns you may have and come to University Day; meet students, and staff, and also take a campus tour.
To learn more about JPCatholic, visit their website:

Lucía is a MODG sophomore from Southern California (SD). She's an avid writer, voracious reader, amateur surfer, and lover of chocolate chip cookies....