April NHS Member of the Month

The symbol of Mother of Divine Grace’s Pope Leo XIII NHS Chapter.
Each month, Mother of Divine Grace’s Pope Leo XIII National Honor Society Chapter selects a Member of the Month. Coincidentally, April’s Member of the Month was the coordinator of that initiative, Arabella M., who had to differentiate between her two roles in the NHS chapter when asked if she was surprised by her selection. From her perspective of Member of the Month coordinator, she naturally said that the selection was not a surprise, but from her perspective of a regular NHS member, she stated that she was surprised, saying that “I was honored to see that all the little things have made such an impact on my fellow members, and I’m truly glad to have helped so many.”
Arabella was selected as Member of the Month because of her commitment to the general service project which she leads, her cheerful personality, her activity on the Chapter’s online messaging site, and her hosting of Zoom study rooms. Arabella explains that the idea to host study rooms was born out of the reality that she “couldn’t sit down and focus on my thesis.” She said that the study rooms have proved beneficial because “it’s easier to deny yourself phone time when you know there are other people there to support you. It helps emotionally even, just knowing you’re not in it alone.” Periodically, Arabella invites fellow NHS members to join her Zoom study room, which has created a small community of students who appreciate the motivation boost. In fact, Arabella’s favorite aspect of MODG’s NHS chapter is the community, which “helps to build us up when we’re struggling and encourage us in our studies” and “forms strong bonds between classmates and creates lifelong friendships,” as seen so evidently through her service to others, especially with her study room initiative. Arabella concludes this idea of service to others by offering an opportune outlook, saying that “it gives me great joy and hope knowing that if every one of us makes small sacrifices or does small acts of service, we can truly change the world for the better.”
Philip is a senior from the Washington, D.C. area. In his free time, he enjoys writing, singing, traveling, and photography.