If you found the first part of this series helpful, I hope you’ll find these just as helpful!
St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Novena
St. Maximilian’s novena asks for his intercession with any intentions, but specifically focuses on his laying down his life for others. There is a special prayer everyday along with praying three Hail Mary’s and a Glory Be. (https://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-maximilian-kolbe-novena)
Annunciation Novena
On the feast of the Annunciation, a novena starts commemorating when the Angel Gabriel came to Mary. To finish on the eve of the feast, it can be started on March 16th. To finish the novena on the feast itself, it can be started on March 17th. Each day there is a prayer followed by the Memorare. (https://www.praymorenovenas.com/annunciation-novena)
Litany of Trust Novena
This is a beautiful novena if you struggle with putting trust in Jesus. The litany is prayed each day for nine days to help grow in trust. (https://www.praymorenovenas.com/litany-of-trust-novena)