On Sunday, November 24, the solemnity of Christ the King, Christendom College witnessed a stunning display of devotion to their patron, the King of the Universe.
Christendom College is committed to greatness in all they do, and this evening’s celebration was no exception.

The night began with Benediction, Solemn Sung Vespers and the re-consecration of the college.
It concluded with the second-ever use of their famous “Botafumiero,”
the world’s largest thurible which hangs from the ceiling and is swung by a team of eight men.

The Botafumeiro is a very unique aspect of Christendom, described by freshman Matthew Vacek as “Magnificent. Definitely inspirational. It’s a great addition to our already beautiful chapel.”

The Botafumeiro weighs 180 lbs. and hangs from a pulley rig in the crossing tower above the sanctuary.

At 5’1” the Botafumeiro is one inch taller than the renowned botafumeiro at Santiago de Compostella in Spain.

Jared Plasberg, an altar server at the event and a senior at Christendom, told me what he thought of the swinging of the Botafumeiro. He said it was “astounding, so beautiful— it provides [us] with a glimpse of Heaven.” It reminded him “of the Psalm [sic] where it says, ‘our prayer rises up to Thee like burning incense.’ ” The whole chapel was filled with clouds of incense.

William Young, MODG ’23, expressed the essence of the night when I asked him what was the first thing he would tell someone who wasn’t there. He said, “I think I’d say: Christ is King.”
Maggie Pascale • Dec 6, 2024 at 4:43 pm
Damian, this was so neat! I loved reading your story and seeing the fantastic pictures all throughout it! Amazing job!