“Music is an incomparably more powerful means and is a subtler language for expressing the thousand different moments of the soul’s moods.” This is a notable quote from the infamous Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Music, a rather vast term to describe the art, is a magnificent, humble endeavor to explore the fiber of being, while perfectly overwhelming the senses with sublime bliss. Music can save someone, create someone, or even aid one in discovering their true purpose. For these reasons, it is of the utmost importance to teach new generations the significance the art of music undoubtedly holds. Music is so fragile, yet stronger than one might fathom, so educating our children about its beauty is absolutely necessary. This is why music schools such as Claudia’s School of Music are established. However, it is essential to understand the sentimental matter of music.
Every person alive knows a song they hold close to their heart. Perhaps you and your grandmother always danced to Stand By Me by Ben E. King? Or perchance, you and your spouse walked out of your wedding hand in hand while Twist and Shout by the Beatles filled the reception. Every song that has ever been born into existence has held an endearing significance in someone’s heart. May that be dreary, or glee, music has a multitude of faces.
One quote I find enthralling is one from George Santayana, “Music is a means of giving form to our inner feelings without attaching them to events or objects in the world.”
Fortunately, I am privileged enough to be surrounded by musicians daily and hear their vehement anecdotes. Over the last year, I have held a job at a local music school. I have been placed in a wonderful, musical environment where I learn something new daily. I am surrounded by professionals, students, and teachers who have all passed their knowledge to me in some form. I have had the privilege to gain astounding mentorship, friendship, and the utmost care.

One woman whom I draw a massive amount of my inspiration from, and I believe you will too, is Ms. Claudia Horodecki. Ms. Claudia is my boss in the music school, Claudia’s School of Music. She formed the school nearly twelve years ago, independently. She has provided me a place within her school, where I can evolve musically and allow my creative desires to fester.
Upon writing this article you now read, I found that it would be quite compelling if I interviewed Ms. Claudia herself. I believe all who read this story will find her to be the strong, touching, and considerate woman I see her as. So, one day I came to work early and began my conversation with her.
I started with my first question, “What in your life encouraged you to become a music teacher?”
Ms. Claudia answered, “When I was a teenager, I began teaching at a music academy in Poland. At that time, my knowledge was quite extensive, including piano performance, ear training, music history, and theory. According to the strict European rules within the music academies, you must pass several difficult tests to succeed as a musician. When I was sixteen, I was hired as a tutor for a couple of students; the objective was to prepare them for many tests. With this experience, I realized I had a gift of reflecting my knowledge amongst my students. To my luck, all of their test results were successful. Seeing their good outcomes, I began to look into the possibility of teaching music. Nothing is more rewarding to an instructor than seeing a student’s success. Being so young at the time, and respected as a teacher, I felt encouraged that it was the path I wish to pursue.”
Seeing Ms. Claudia’s resilience and passion led me to my second question.“Who inspired or still inspires you the most?” She thought carefully and responded, “I drew most of my inspiration from my previous instructors, teachers, and musicians whom I met throughout my musical journey at different schools and facilities. I was always attentive, trying to understand the methodology behind teaching and applying different techniques. The other source of inspiration was and still is, my students. They always bring new ideas to my mind, constantly assuring me that I can still learn new things.”
Hearing this answer brought me to my query: what had Ms. Claudia wished to become, and how did she accomplish it? This transitioned me to my third question, “What were your musical aspirations, and how did you achieve them?” She replied, “My musical aspirations changed a lot over time as I explored different areas of performing and being an educator.
Eventually, I got into the business of entrepreneurship and marketing. I realized that to connect all of these areas, I needed to establish my facility, which would be driven by my one passion: music. During my first few years in the United States, I realized I’d like to follow the American dream and establish my music school. After ten years of gaining experience, working for different studios, and studying business– I managed to open my own school.”

Lastly, I wanted to shift a focus to her latest attainment as a musician: the music school. “What are your favorite things about the music school, and why?” She answered brightly with a smile, “My favorite thing about the musical school is that it is mine… I created the school by myself, and it is something which I am greatly proud of. I am fully in charge of ensuring that the facility provides what is necessary: a positive environment, frequent community support, and an adequate income for me and my staff. I can’t imagine working for anybody but myself, and although being a business owner requires endless attention, I adore the idea of being able to be my own boss. Most of all, having your own business is the definition of the American dream.”
Ms. Claudia is a wonderful human being whom I am fortunate enough to be close with. However, she has employed quite a skilled staff at her school that I get to work alongside, and even shadow. One man whom I also deem incredibly talented and learned, who has had a large influence on my musical ventures, is my voice teacher Mr. Michael Gonzalez.
Mr. Michael is currently a college student pursuing jazz piano and has helped my adoration of jazz music indisputably flourish. When asked “What has driven you not to give up on your dreams within the realm of music?” He replied rather heartfelt, “Music has always been in my life. Throughout my childhood, I faced many trials and tribulations and found myself dealing with challenging situations. For me, music was my outlet and a way for me to be creative and healthily express myself without harming myself or others. I quickly fell in love with music, as I felt I had a deep connection with my emotions; I wanted to share my experience with it and how it changed me, with other children or students who may be struggling with the same thoughts as I once had. I knew that music had always been my passion, but I never thought it would become the center of my life; I love nothing more than playing music for someone and letting them feel peace. When you want something, and I mean truly want it, you will do anything to get it. I never gave up because I believe that by creating music, I can express myself delicately… music is its own language.”
Secondly, I’d like to mention my remarkably gifted piano teacher, Ms. Adriana Biaggi. Ms. Adriana has received a double major, two master’s degrees, and is now applying for her PhD. She has been my teacher for nearly a year now and taught me a tremendous amount. Ms. Adriana immigrated here four years ago from Venezuela and has mastered the art of playing piano and pedagogy. I asked her, “What sparked your realization that music would follow you for the entirety of your life?” She answered with a beaming grin, “When people ask me this question, I truly can’t remember. Music has been a part of my life since I was a little kid. My mother told me when I was an infant, I would only sleep to the sound of Mozart or Bach. I learned how to read music before I could read the alphabet! In all honesty, I remember growing up with music by my side. I believe it was in my teenage years that I realized I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. At that time, I began researching how to pursue music, and what I should do. Music has fulfilled my heart and life– frankly, everything I can imagine. It is God’s gift, and He has blessed me since before I can even recall.”
I hope you find the words of these beyond-accomplished musicians to light a flame of enthusiasm in your life. You may not even play an instrument, but music can still apply to your life and make a substantial change. No matter the genre you listen to, music may heal you in whatever way you may seek. I wish you may have the means to uncover your passion as I have, and allow it to overcome you and your senses completely. Or perhaps, you may meet someone in your life who will push you to pursue every goal you may dream of. Forever am I thankful for Claudia’s School of Music– a home of passion.
Maggie Pascale • Feb 12, 2025 at 5:39 pm
This is so awesome, Allison! I loved being able to read about this wonderful music school and how you have been a part of it! Great job!!
Damian Deitchman • Jan 22, 2025 at 2:23 pm
Well written, Allison!!
I like that you shared the inspiring examples of three music teachers who have helped formed your own love for music. It shows how you value what they have taught you.
This article was very enjoyable!