Make your Lenten sacrifice for Jesus.
A MODGer’s Guide to a Fruitful Lent
As MODGers everywhere slog through their course load, there is a slight possibility we may have forgotten that Lent is nearly upon us. Perhaps you’re like many people and feel like you never get enough spiritually out of Lent. If you’re one of these people–or if you aren’t, and just don’t want to get back to work on that history paper quite yet–check out these ideas for having a spiritually fulfilling Lent.
- Give something up. It may be cliche to give up chocolate for Lent, but that doesn’t make it bad. You don’t have to give up candy or food, though; I personally give up listening to my favorite musicians. You could also give up video games, your favorite TV show, etc.
- Spend more time in prayer. One of the main points of giving things up anyway is so that you’ll have more time for prayer. So don’t give up, say, dessert and then watch TV at that time instead. Rather, use that time to spend more time with the Lord.
- Practice small mortifications. I don’t mean sleeping with your windows open in below zero temperatures or anything like that! You could do simple things, such as not sitting in your favorite chair in the evenings or doing your siblings’ chores.
- Give of your time, talent, and/or money. This can include giving food, clothes and other essentials to homeless shelters, crocheting baby blankets for hospitals, or helping out at a nursing home.
- Do more spiritual reading. There are so many wonderful books out there that can be very spiritually inspiring, and perfect reading for Lent. (Personal recommendation: Consoling the Heart of Jesus by Father Gaitley is really good.)
- Go to daily Mass. Quite likely you aren’t able to go every day, but try going once or twice a week or even once every two weeks.
- Accept misfortunes cheerfully. It’s better to not give up a huge amount of things while still being a kind, loving human than to be living like a hermit and constantly flaring up.
I hope these help you to have a holy and blessed Lent!